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…it was worthwhile as there was a wealth of valuable knowledge and practices shared. It got me to understand what Mindfulness means, and how to be more Mindful and its benefits. The amount of assessments was sometimes surprising as it never stops. It has been a Big step forwards into my journey of Mindfulness. I can recommend this course, because they teach you all aspects of Mindfulness, and both the teachers are very open-minded and very helpful in every way.
Inge Freeth
Academy Student
I enjoyed the entire process of the training and certification. It provided many
opportunities to ground myself as a practitioner and the aspects that I appreciated the most were: (1) the clarity and distinctions about secular mindfulness & (2) the intentions
and attitudes of being a mindfulness practitioner and coach. To anyone who is working with culturally diverse teams, and exploring taking on mindfulness as a practice, this is a certification programme that will enhance your growth and development
Certified Mindfulness Teacher (CMT-P)
I was impressed by this particular teacher certification program as it offered authentic accreditation in secular mindfulness, including the following dimensions: psychological,
philosophical and professional teachings...both Kathir and Sunita were highly skilled professionals with diverse educational and personal backgrounds. In addition, they were compassionate and caring towards each member of our group. This combination allowed for a nicely balanced training environment involving experiential, didactic and practical teachings. I appreciated the fact that we engaged in practical training from the first session and found the content and theory of classes, as well as the readings, appropriate and thought- provoking. Overall this program provided an exceeding quality of training and is highly recommended for future trainees.
Lisa S
Certified Mindfulness Teacher
In the Year 2021, I have completed 8-week Mindfulness-Based Wellbeing Enhancement as well as the 5 Day Mindfulness Retreat.
Furthermore, I have signed up for the 6th Mindfulness Teacher Training (MTT) cohort in Sep 2021 and graduated in 31 Aug 2022.
For the past 1 year in MTT, it has been tough, intensive and tiring for me (due to work and family commitments).
At the same time, I am also enjoying the process in learning and absorbing new mindfulness knowledge.
As for now, I am a certified mindfulness teacher - in professional level that acquired the skill in mindfulness teaching and facilitating. I am also glad to know so many awesome friends in my courses.
Lastly, I would like to extend my gratitude to Kathirasan (Director), Sunita (Executive Director) and Hernie for the amazing experiences in CFM.
Leo Tingyuan
Certified Mindfulness Teacher (CMT-P)
The MTT training at CFM, far surpassed my expectations. I have learnt so much and feel a definite shift in my outlook and daily behaviour. Dr Sunita Rai and Kathirasan are both extremely knowledgeable and experienced in the field . I am impressed with their professionalism, dedication, and commitment.
Mostly, I am impressed with their sense of humility and down to earth approach in
delivery and style, embodying both deep insight and wisdom. The content and planning of the curriculum leading up to the practicum is systematic, well organised and consistent. Hence it was easy to follow the class and reading materials provided. It is evident an immense amount of design and planning went into creating the content, structure and flow of the various modules and topics.
Certified Mindfulness Teacher (CMT-P)
... turned out to be a life changer for me. By wisely combining theoretical teaching and
practical exercises it has allowed me to deepen my understanding of the origins of
Mindfulness... As teachers Kathir and Sunita are truly embodying all the values of Mindfulness and are what make this teacher training unique... I highly recommend it! -
Denoual Manuel
Certified Mindfulness Teacher
... it was truly enlightening. It was a personal development as much as it is a professional one. I benefited from it as a professional in my counselling work but more importantly, I benefited from it as a person, as a human being. I am grateful to have embarked on this journey with CFM.
Nicole Lum
Certified Mindfulness Teacher
I searched the internet for mindfulness courses, but this one hit the sweet spot. Why? Because it's research-based, which gives it that extra edge. Yes, it was a bit intense time-wise, but I can't even begin to explain how much knowledge I've soaked up. The instructors are absolute pros in their field, and learning from them has been such a privilege. (Thank you once again Nikhila, Dr Kathir and Dr Sunita)
You know what stood out to me? Four things:
1. The content quality – it's top-notch.
2. Those reflection sessions and group learning –
3. They're always there to lend a hand, no matter what.
4. The curriculum – it's comprehensive, like the A to Z of mindfulness.
Honestly, I'd recommend this to anyone who's as intrigued by mindfulness as I am. Whether you want to dive deeper as a student or even teach it someday, this place has you covered.
Shikha Sood
Certified Mindfulness Teacher (CMT-P)
It's a great course! You will learn a lot about the theory of mindfulness, its history and philosophical foundations, the benefits of the practice and the latest research findings in this area - which will give you the knowledge and theoretical basis for the practices. You will also learn about the competencies of a mindfulness teacher, how to design different
mindfulness-based programmes and will have the opportunity to practice the techniques under the supervision of the teachers... Sunita and Kathir have vast knowledge and years of practice and are incredibly loving and understanding. I’m very grateful to them. I got much more from the course than I expected. I highly recommend it.
Bia Burin
Certified Mindfulness Teacher
The teacher training course has deeply engaged me as it’s an excellent mix of theoretical
knowledge and frameworks, as well as the opportunities for the practical application / hands-on teaching and improvisation. The course format has also been designed well ....
and group and individual practicum requirements have honed my skills and confidence in my ability to hold a group environment and informed me well of the core competencies
that a Mindfulness Teacher needs to display
Certified Mindfulness Teacher
I just completed (July 2023) my Mindfulness Teacher Training (MTT) programme with CFM. I am from cohort 7.
From time to time, when I attend a Meditation/Mindfulness course, i usually notice a shift in me - it either comes in the form of an awareness or in the form of change in my behaviour. For this MTT programme, both (Awareness and change in behaviour) came together.
One of the major awareness came from the practice of Acceptance - it is such a powerful tool, i have not fully grasped it yet, it is still hit and misses at the moment, but am slowly working on it.
For the change in behviour - am bringing more and more of Mindful practices into my daily life, like when i go for my walks, train ride, short breaks at my table. I notice that these short practices are so helpful for my growth too.
In my mind, i can only attribute my gain due to the the dedication and passion Kathir and Sunita have for the programme and the participants. Never once did i feel out of place, awkward or left-out. Through out the programme, Kathir and Sunita were so inclusive and sincere in the engagement of the participants that it helped me to settle in and reap tremendous benefits from the programme.
Thank you for everything:)
Certified Mindfulness Teacher (CMT-P)